1 box foundation
- box foundation
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > box foundation
2 box foundation
Строительство: сплошной фундамент коробчатого типа -
3 box foundation
4 egg box foundation
- egg box foundation
- nсплошной фундамент ( коробчатого типа), разбитый на ячейки
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > egg box foundation
5 egg box foundation
Строительство: сплошной фундамент, разбитый на ячейки -
6 egg box foundation
сплошной фундамент ( коробчатого типа), разбитый на ячейки -
7 foundation
- foundation
- nоснование; фундамент
- bedrock foundation
- benched foundation
- blob foundation
- box foundation
- buoyancy raft foundation
- buoyant foundation
- caisson foundation
- cantilever foundation
- cellular raft foundation
- chimney foundation
- circular foundation
- combined pad foundation
- compensated foundation
- concrete foundation
- cone foundation
- continuous pad and beam foundation
- crib foundation
- deep foundation
- dome foundation
- drilled pier foundation
- earth foundation
- egg box foundation
- egg crate foundation
- elastic foundation
- floating foundation
- girder foundation
- grillage foundation
- heavy foundation
- independent foundation
- injected foundation
- isolated foundation
- machinery foundation
- mass concrete pad foundation
- mat foundation
- narrow strip foundation
- pad foundation
- pier foundation
- pile foundation
- pile-and-cribwork foundation
- piled foundation
- plain pad foundation
- plain slab raft foundation
- raft foundation
- ring foundation
- rock-fill foundation
- shallow foundation
- slab and beam raft foundation
- spread foundation
- sprung foundation
- strip foundation
- traditional strip foundation
- trench-fill foundation
- ventilated pad foundation
- well foundation
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 foundation
1) искусственное основание; фундамент; земляное полотно; база2) устройство основания; заложение фундамента, устройство фундамента•- bedplate foundation - bedrock foundation - benched foundation - box-type foundation - bridge foundation - buoyant foundation - caisson foundation - coffered foundation - compressed-air foundation - concrete strip foundation - deep foundation - earth foundation - flat foundation - flexible foundation - framed machine foundation - hat-type foundation - hollow machine foundation - intermittent foundation - isolated foundation - machinery foundation - massive foundation - mat foundation - oscillating foundation - pad foundation - panel-wall foundation - pier foundation - pile foundation - pipe-pile foundation - polygonal annular foundation - raft foundation - rigid foundation - ring foundation - shallow foundation - socket-type foundation - solid foundation - spread foundation - stepped foundation - stone foundation - strip foundation - sunk foundation - vibro-isolated machine foundation - well foundation* * *основание; фундамент- bedrock foundation
- benched foundation
- blob foundation
- box foundation
- buoyancy raft foundation
- buoyant foundation
- caisson foundation
- cantilever foundation
- cellular raft foundation
- chimney foundation
- circular foundation
- combined pad foundation
- compensated foundation
- concrete foundation
- cone foundation
- continuous pad and beam foundation
- crib foundation
- deep foundation
- dome foundation
- drilled pier foundation
- earth foundation
- egg box foundation
- egg crate foundation
- elastic foundation
- floating foundation
- girder foundation
- grillage foundation
- heavy foundation
- independent foundation
- injected foundation
- isolated foundation
- machinery foundation
- mass concrete pad foundation
- mat foundation
- narrow strip foundation
- pad foundation
- pier foundation
- pile foundation
- pile-and-cribwork foundation
- piled foundation
- plain pad foundation
- plain slab raft foundation
- raft foundation
- ring foundation
- rock-fill foundation
- shallow foundation
- slab and beam raft foundation
- spread foundation
- sprung foundation
- strip foundation
- traditional strip foundation
- trench-fill foundation
- ventilated pad foundation
- well foundation -
9 box-type foundation
фундамент ящичный
Развязанный фундамент с амортизаторами, установленными внутри специального короба (ящика)
[Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > box-type foundation
10 foundation girder
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > foundation girder
11 box-shaped foundation
Строительство: барета, коробчатый фундамент, щелевой фундамент -
12 box-type foundation
13 pile
1) свая, столб2) отвал грунта3) куча, штабель, груда, пачка4) вбивать сваи, устраивать свайное основание5) складывать в кучу, в штабель•- Armco pile - bag pile - Balken pile - batter pile - battered pile - bearing pile - blunt pile - bored pile - bored cast-in-place pile - bored and cast-in-place pile - boring pile - bound pile - box pile - built pile - bulb pile - buoyancy pile - caisson pile - capped pile - cased pile - cast-in-situ concrete pile - cement pile - cementation pile - closed-end pipe pile - closing pile - Cobi pile - column pile - compaction pile - composite pile - compression pile - concrete pile - concrete cast-in-place pile - concrete shell pile - consolidating piles - contiguous bored pile - cool pile - cooling pile - cylindrical pile - delta pile - disk pile - drilled pile - driven pile - encased pile - encased sheet pile - end-bearing pile - fender pile - filling pile - fixed-end pile - floating pile - fluted tapered-shell pile - foundation pile - foundation pile of grating - Franki pile - Franki-Miga pile - free-end pile - friction pile - Frodinham steel pile - Fundex pile - gang pile - grooved pile - guide pile - H-beam pile - hinged pile - hollow pile - hollow-shell pile - hooped pile - H-section pile - I-beam pile - inclined pile - jack pile - jetted pile - junction pile - king pile - leading pile - lime pile - male pile - moulded-in-place pile - overdriven pile - pedestal pile - pipe pile - plank pile - plumb pile - point-bearing pile - pointed pile - precast pile - precast-concrete pile - prefabricated pile - raking pile - Raymond pile - Raymond step-taper pile - reinforced concrete pile - reinforced precast-concrete pile - Rotinoff pile - sand pile - scrap pile - screw pile - screwcrete pile - secant pile - sectional pile - sectional steel pile - sheet pile - sheet pile on frame - shell pile - shelled concrete pile - Simplex pile - soil pile - solid pile - spliced pile - spoil pile - standby pile - standing pile - stay pile - steel pile - steel sheet pile - step-taper pile - stock pile - tension pile - test pile - timber pile - tubular pile - uncased pile - untapered pile - uplift pile - vibro pile - wood pile - working pile* * *1. свая2. штабель; куча- piles of concrete
- add-on pile
- alpha pile
- anchor pile
- Armco pile
- augered pile
- auger pile
- bag pile
- Balken pile
- battered pile
- batter pile
- bearing pile
- belled-out pile
- bored pile
- bored pile with expanded base
- bored and cast-in-place pile
- box pile
- British Steel Piling Co's cased pile
- BSP vibro pile
- buoyancy pile
- caisson pile
- cased pile
- cast-in-place displacement pile
- cast-in-situ pile
- cemcore auger-injected pile
- closed-end pipe pile
- Cobi pile
- compaction pile
- composite pile
- compressed pile
- compression pile
- concore auger-injected pile
- concrete pile
- concrete-filled steel pipe pile
- contiguous bored pile
- creosoted pile
- deflected pile
- delta pile
- displaced pile
- displacement pile
- Dowsett Prepakt pile
- Dowsett pile
- drilled pile
- driven pile
- driven cast-in-place pile
- driven shell pile
- driven underpinning pile
- encased sheet pile
- end-bearing pile
- enlarged pile
- female pile
- fender pile
- fixed-end pile
- floating pile
- Fondedile pile
- Franki pile
- Franki cased-pedestal pile
- Franki-Miga pile
- Franki uncased-pedestal pile
- free-end pile
- friction pile
- Frodingham box pile
- Frodingham double box pile
- Frodingham plated box pile
- Frodingham steel pile
- Fuentes pile
- Fundex pile
- Gambia pile
- gauge pile
- GKN driven pile
- guide pile
- H-beam pile
- H pile
- heaved pile
- Hercules pile
- Hochstrasser-Weise pile
- hollow pile
- hollow concrete tube pile
- hollow shell pile
- holmpress pile
- I pile
- inclined pile
- in-situ pile
- interlocking pile
- jacked pile
- jack pile
- jetted pile
- jointed pile
- king pile
- large-diameter bored pile
- large-diameter pile
- Larsen box pile
- lime pile
- MacArthur pile
- male pile
- micro pile
- Miga pile
- mini pile
- monotube pile
- mooring pile
- nondisplacement pile
- open-end pipe pile
- Pali Radice pile
- palm pile
- pedestal pile
- pipe pile
- pipe step taper pile
- point-bearing pile
- polypropylene reinforced pile
- precast reinforced-concrete pile
- precast pile
- precast sectional pile
- prefabricated pile
- preformed pile
- preliminary pile
- pressure pile
- Prestcore pile
- prestressed concrete pile
- prestressed pile
- pretest pile
- raker pile
- Raymond pile
- Raymond cylinder pile
- Raymond regulated injection pile
- Raymond standard taper pile
- Raymond step-taper pile
- rectangular hollow core r.c. pile
- Rendhex steel pile
- risen pile
- rock pile
- root pile
- rotary bored cast-in-place pile
- Rotinoff pile
- sand pile
- screw pile
- seamless pipe pile
- secant pile
- sectional pile
- segmental pile
- sheet pile
- shell pile
- Simplex pile
- single pile
- slender pile
- small-diameter pile
- soil pile
- soldier pile
- spiral weld pipe pile
- stay pile
- steel pile
- steel box pile
- steel tube pile
- step-taper pile
- stock pile
- tapered pile
- tapered fluted pile
- tension pile
- test pile
- timber pile
- treated pile
- tubex pile
- tubular precast r.c. pile
- uncased pile
- underpinning pile
- under-reamed pile
- Union pile
- uplift pile
- vertical-sided pile
- vibrated shaft Franki pile
- vibro pile
- Wakefield sheet pile
- welded steel pipe pile
- Western pile
- West pile
- Western button-bottom pile
- Western cased pile
- Western pedestal pile
- Western uncased pile
- West's hardwire pile
- West's shell pile
- wing pile
- wood pile
- wood-step taper pile
- working pile
- Z pile -
14 plate
1) лист; плита; пластинка; пластина2) жесть; листовой металл3) опорный деревянный брус; мауэрлат; верхний брус обвязки4) нижняя обвязка; подстропильная вязка5) сланец6) листовое, зеркальное стекло7) гравюра8) циферблат•- adjusting plate - air diffuser plate - aluminium plate - anchor plate - angular plate - articulated plate - baffle plate - base plate - batten plate - bearing plate - bed plate - bloom base plate - bottom plate - brass plate - buckle plate - capacity plate - card plate - ceiling plate - ceramized plate - channelled plate - chord plate - chuck plate - clad plate - column base plate - composite plate - corner plate - corrugated plate - crawler plate - crown plate - crushing plate - curb plate - curved plate - deck plate - diaphragm plate - distributing plate - door plate - doubling plate - dressing plate - dual-coat plate - earth plate - eaves plate - elastic plate - eliminator plate - end plate - filler plate - finger plate - finishing plate - fixing plate - flange plate - flat plate - flexible plate - flitch plate - folder plates - foundation plate - foundation anchor plate - front plate - fuel plate - glass plate - ground plate - gusset plate - head plate - hinge plate - hitch plate - inner plate - insulating roof deck plate - iron plate - joint plate - key plate - leaded bevelled plate - letter-box plate - letter-drop plate - levelling plate - light plate - light-gauge plate - liner plate - mallet plate - margin plate - masonry plate - metal plate - mop plate - mould plate - orthotropic plate - outside studding plate - partition plate - partition studding plate - patch plate - patent plate - pin plate - poling plate - push plate - rafter plate - raising plate - reinforcement plate - reinforcing plate - return plate - ribbed plate - roadbed base plate - rolled plate - roller plate - sandwich plate - setting plate - side plate - skin plate - sleeper plate - solid plate - splice plate - staff plate - stainless steel plate - stamped plate - stay plate - stiffened plate - stiffening plate - stove plate - straightening plate - strap plate - swash plate - synthetic wool plate - tamping plate - thick plate - thin plate - thin ribbed plate - top flange plate - trimming plates - truss-bearing plate - vibrating plate - wall plate - web plate - wobble plate - zinc plate* * *1. пластина; пластинка; плита2. лист, листовой материал3. опорный деревянный брус; мауэрлат; верхний брус обвязки4. толстолистовая сталь5. электролитическое покрытие6. металлизировать; плакировать- absorber plateplate thickened under column — плитный фундамент (с выступами под колонны, расположенными на нижней поверхности плиты)
- access plate
- air diffuser plate
- aluminum plate
- anchor bearing plate
- anchor plate
- angle plate
- armor plate
- articulated plate
- back plate
- baffle plate
- base plate
- batten plate
- beam bearing plate
- beams-to-glulam-column T plate
- beams-to-glulam-column U plate
- bearing plate
- bed plate
- bottom plate
- bottom chord junction plate
- brake plate
- canted tie plate
- capacity plate
- cast-iron plate
- ceiling plate
- cheek plate
- chequered plate
- chequer plate
- chord plate
- clamping plate
- compaction plate
- corner plate
- cover plate
- crawler plate
- curb plate
- curved plate
- deck plate
- diaphragm plate
- diffuser plate
- door plate
- earth plate
- eaves plate
- edge plate
- eliminator plate
- filler plate
- finger plate
- flat plate
- flexible plate
- floor plate
- folded plates
- foundation plate
- glass plate
- grid plate
- ground plate
- gusset plate
- head plate
- hinged plate
- hot rolled steel plate
- infinite plate
- jacking plate
- jack plate
- junction plate
- key plate
- kick plate
- letter-box plate
- liner plate
- lining plate
- masonry plate
- mop plate
- nail plate
- one-way vibrating plate
- orifice plate
- orthotropic plate
- outside studding plate
- partial cover plate
- perforated plate
- porous diffuser plate
- rating plate
- reversible vibration plate
- ribbed plate
- ridge plate
- rigid plate
- saddle plate
- sandwich plate
- semi-infinite plate
- shear plate
- shell plate
- sill plate
- sliding plate
- sole plate
- splice plate
- stay plate
- steel plate
- stressed plate
- switch plate
- tie plate
- top plate
- tube plate
- valve plate
- vibrating plate
- vibrating tamping plate
- walk-behind compacting plate
- wall plate
- web plate
- wing plate
- zinc plate -
15 girder
главная балка ( при наличии второстепенных балок); балочная ферма; прогон, ригель; крупная составная балка; ферма с параллельными балясинами- arch girder - arched girder - balcony girder - bow girder - bow and chain girder - bowstring girder - box girder - braced girder - braking force transferring girder - bridge girder - built-up girder - cantilever girder - cellular girder - compound girder - corrugated web girder - crane girder - crane-runway girder - cross girder - elastically supported girder - end girder - fascia girder - fixed girder - floor girder - foundation girder - H-girder - half-lattice girder - half-latticed girder - hinged cantilever girder - lattice girder - latticed girder - launching girder - longitudinal girder - lower wind girder - outrigger girder - overhead crane girder - panel girder - parallel-flange girder - plane girder - prefabricated girder - riveted girder - socle girder - steel girder - stiffening girder - suspension girder - T-iron girder - trapezoid girder - trapezoidal girder - triangular girder - trussed girder - tubular girder - upper wind girder - Vierendeel girder - Warren girder - web girder* * *горизонтальный конструктивный элемент; главная балка; ферма с параллельными поясами; прогон- annular girder
- arched girder
- arch girder
- arched girder with braced spandrels
- arch girder with braced spandrels
- arched girder without horizontal thrust
- arch girder without horizontal thrust
- arched girder with polygonal outlines
- arch girder with polygonal outlines
- balcony girder
- bowstring girder
- box girder
- bridge girder
- cable-stay launching girder
- cantilever girder
- compound girder
- crane girder
- crane bridge girder
- crane runway girder
- cross girder
- curved bridge girder
- diaphragm-stiffened box girder
- double-tee girder
- drop-in girder
- dropped girder
- eaves girder
- edge girder
- elastically supported girder
- gantry girder
- H girder
- half-lattice girder
- haunched girder
- hollow steel box girder
- hybrid girder
- latticed girder
- lattice girder
- launching girder
- open-frame girder
- plain girder
- plate girder
- post-tensioned box girder
- precast prestressed girder
- prefabricated girder
- preflex girder
- prestressed concrete box girder
- ring girder
- segmental box girder
- single-hinged arched girder
- single-hinged arch girder
- solid-web girder
- standard CPC I prestressed bridge girder
- steel arched girder
- steel plate box girder
- stiffening girder
- transfer girder
- tubular girder
- Vierendeel girder
- Warren girder
- welded light girder
- welded plate girder
- welded wire girder
- wind-bracing girder
- wood lattice girder -
16 bolt
1) болт2) задвижка, засов, язык замка3) стержень, палец, ось, шкворень, шпилька4) бревно для распиловки; короткомер; сортимент5) рулон обивочного, настилочного материала6) сито, грохот7) стрела8) скреплять, стягивать болтами; закреплять шпильками10) просеивать, грохотить•to bolt on — приболчивать, закреплять, затягивать болтом
to cotter-pin a bolt — закреплять болт чекой, шпилькой
- adjuster bolt - adjusting bolt - anchor bolt - assembling bolt - barb bolt - barrel bolt - binding bolt - black bolt - blank bolt - butterfly bolt - button-head bolt - case bolt - casement window bolt - clamp bolt - clamping bolt - clevice bolt - coneheaded bolt - conical head bolt - connecting bolt - construction bolt - countersunk-headed bolt - coupling bolt - die-rolled section foundation bolt - dimension bolt - door bolt - double-end bolt - double-screw bolt - drift bolt - draw bolt - erection bolt - expansion bolt - fang bolt - fastening bolt - field bolt - finished bolt - fitting-up bolt - flange bolt - flush bolt - foot bolt - foundation bolt - fox bolt - ground bolt - hacked bolt - high-precision bolt - hinge bolt - holding down bolt - hook bolt - hook foundation bolt - insert bolt - jag bolt - knurled foundation bolt - lewis bolt - link bolt - long bolt - lug bolt - nut bolt - packing bolt - pan-head bolt - panic bolt - paper bolts - pivot bolt - precision bolt - puller bolt - rag bolt - rough bolt - round-head bolt - safety bolt - screw bolt - shackle bolt - slip bolt - snap-head bolt - splice bolt - split bolt - sprig bolt - spring bolt - square-head bolt - stamped bolt - stay bolt - stirrup bolt - stone bolt - stone lifting bolt - stove bolt - stud bolt - swing bolt - swivel bolt - T-headed bolt - T-bolt - terminal bolt - threaded bolt - through bolt - tie bolt - truss bolt - tyre bolt - urned boltto slacken a bolt — "отдавать" болт
* * *1. болт2. задвижка, засов3. короткий отрезок бревна4. упаковка с рулонами обоев ( содержащая два и более рулонов)5. решето, сито- assembling bolt
- barb bolt
- black bolt
- box bolt
- bright turned bolt
- cane bolt
- catch bolt
- coach bolt
- cup-square bolt
- dead bolt
- door bolt
- drift bolt
- espagnolette bolt
- expansion bolt
- extension flush bolt
- eye bolt
- field bolt
- fishtail bolt
- fitting-up bolt
- flat head bolt
- flush bolt
- foot bolt
- fox bolt
- high-strength bolt
- high-strength friction grip bolt
- high-strength grip bolt
- high-tension bolt
- holding-down bolt
- hook bolt
- Huck bolt
- key bolt
- lag bolt
- load indicating bolt
- loose bolt
- pillar bolt
- rag bolt
- ribbed head bolt
- rock bolts
- safety bolt
- she bolt
- site bolt
- slotted rock bolt
- through bolt
- Torshear bolt
- U bolt
- veneer bolt -
17 stand
1. I1) the table won't stand, one leg is broken стол не стоит, у него одна ножка сломана; don't trouble yourself, I can stand не беспокойтесь, я могу постоять /я постою/; I didn't know where to stand я не знал, где стать; the audience stood and applauded публика встала и начала аплодировать; he was commanded to stand ему приказали встать /подняться/; let the milk (the tea, the liquid, etc.) stand пусть молоко и т.д. постоит /отстоится/; keep /leave/ smth. standing not a stone was left standing камня на камне не оставила; get smth. to stand поставить что-л.2) stand! croft!; who goes there? stand and be identified стой! кто идет?; all stand! всем встать!3) the words (the passage, this translation, etc.) may stand эти слова и т.д. могут остаться /можно оставить/ без изменений; the enemy would not stand противник не устоит /не выдержит/; how much of his philosophy will stand? что можно взять /применить/ из его философии?; the contract (the agreement, the order, the bet, the bargain, his resolution, etc.) stands контракт и т.д. остается в силе; the same objection stands это возражение остается /не снимается/; the rule against lateness will stand правило, запрещающее опаздывать, будет действовать и впредь || as, matters /affairs, things/ stand при таком /создавшемся/ положении вещей /дел/; the passage must be printed as it stands отрывок должен быть напечатан /следует напечатать/ без изменений /в таком виде, как он есть/; as it stands как есть; how much for it as it stands? сколько вы хотите за все?, сколько это стоит как есть?4) these colours will (do not) stand это (не)стойкие краски2. II1) stand in some manner stand erectly (/squarely/, courageously, obediently, meekly, wistfully, sullenly, haughtily, etc.) стоять прямо и т.д.; stand at ease (at attention) стоять вольно (смирно); stand still! не двигайтесь!, не шевелитесь!, стойте спокойно!; he could hardly stand он едва держался на ногах; stand side by side (shoulder to shoulder) стоять рядом /бок о бок/ (плечом к плечу); he stood by helplessly он беспомощно стоял в стороне; the door stood ajar дверь была приоткрыта; stand somewhere don't just stand there, do something! что же ты стоишь, сделай что-нибудь!; stand aside (away, outside, etc.) стоять в стороне и т, т.д.; stand aside to let her pass посторонитесь и дайте ей пройти; stand back! осади!; the house stands back from the road дом стоит далеко от дороги; stand back or you'll be crushed посторонитесь, a то задавят; stand back from the barrier отойди от барьера; а tree which stood by дерево, которое стояло неподалеку; the box stands over there ящик стоит вон там; stand for some time I've been standing all day я простоял [на ногах] весь день; we had to stand all the way нам пришлось простоять всю дорогу; the ruins still stand руины сохранились до сих пор; а tall poplar tree (a huge oak, a house, etc.) once stood here здесь когда-то стоял высокий тополь и т.д. ; the corn is still standing хлеб еще стоит /не убран/2) stand in some manner stand alone а) стоять /быть/ одному; б) не иметь сторонников; in this opinion I don't stand alone я не один [придерживаюсь] такого мнения; the matter stands thus дело обстоит следующим образом; as things now stand I'll have to quit my job при создавшемся /нынешнем/ положении вещей /если положение не изменится,/ мне придется уйти с работы; this is how I stand такова моя позиция;. I wish I knew where I stood я хотел бы знать, что со мной будет; how do matters stand? как обстоят дела?; how does the dollar stand? каков курс доллара?3) stand for some time the works stood for a whole week завод не работал целую неделю3. III1) stand smth. stand an attack (a blow, a siege, rough handling, the enemy's fire, a loss, a shock, a rigid examination, raillery, etc.) выдерживать /выносить/ атаку и т, т.д.; stand heat (the cold weather, a damp soil, noise, his professional attitude, criticism, etc.) выдерживать /выносить/ жару и т.д.; stand the test /the trial/ выдержать испытание; he'll have to stand trial он должен предстать перед судом; stand much washing (much rain, etc.) не портиться от частой стирки и т.д.; these boots stood a good deal of wear эти ботинки долго носились /видали виды/; his eyes are strong enough to stand the glare у него хорошие глаза, они вполне выдержат такой яркий свет; the house will stand another century дом простоит еще сто лет; how does he stand the pain? как он переносит боль?; his nerves couldn't stand the strain у него нервы не выдержали напряжения; I can stand a good deal but I won't have insolence я многое могу стерпеть, но наглости не потерплю; stand smb. usually in the negative I can't stand this woman (the fellow, his father, etc.) я не выношу /не терплю, терпеть не могу, не перевариваю/ эту женщину и т.д.2) stand smth. stand six feet быть ростом в шесть футов; the score stood 18 to 14 счет был 18:143) stand smth. stand drinks (ice-cream, dinner, etc.) угощать вином и т.д.; who is going to stand treat? кто угощает?4) stand smb. stand sentry /sentinel/ (model, umpire, etc.) быть часовым /стоять на часах/ и т.д.; stand godfather (godmother, etc.) выступать в роли крестного отца /быть крестным отцом/ и т.д.4. IV1) stand smth. somewhere stand the lamp over there (the box here, etc.) поставьте лампу туда и т.д.2) stand smth., smb. for some time usually in the negative I can't stand it any longer я этого больше не выдержу, я больше не могу этого терпеть; I can't stand the man another day я не вынесу этого человека ни одного лишнего дня; she stood the shock well она мужественно перенесла этот удар5. Vstand smb. smth. coll. stand one's friend a dinner (you a drink, us champagne, etc.) угощать друга обедом и т.д.6. Xstand in some state stand ashamed (confused, abashed, bewildered, dishonoured, etc.) испытывать стыд и т.д.; stand uncovered стоять без головного убора, снять шапку; he stands accused of a crime его обвиняют в преступлении; he stands convicted of treachery его признали виновным в измене; you may stand assured of his protection можете рассчитывать на его защиту, можете быть уверенным в его покровительстве; stand indebted to this man быть обязанным этому человеку; stand unrivalled не иметь соперников; stand corrected признавать справедливость замечаний /свои ошибки/7. XIbe stood somewhere if he does it again he will be stood in the corner если он еще раз так сделает, его поставят в угол8. XIIIstand to do smth. stand to win /to gain/ (to be saved, etc.) иметь [все] шансы /все основания/ выиграть и т.д.; how much do you stand to lose? сколько вы при этом можете потерять?; what does he stand to lose? чем он рискует?; we stand to lose nothing мы ничего не теряем9. XIVstand doing smth.1) stand bowing (wondering, gazing at the scene, looking at me, looking over my shoulder, etc.) стоять и кланяться и т.д.; don't stand there arguing about it что вы стоите и спорите?; I am tired of standing here [and] waiting мне надоело тут стоять и ждать2) usually in the negative with can; I can't stand waiting (writing letters, taking care of kids, etc.) я не выношу /терпеть не могу/ ждать и т.д.; she can't stand being kept waiting (being looked at, being laughed at, being talked back at, etc.) она терпеть не может /не выносит/, когда ее заставляют ждать и т.д.10. XV1) stand silent (still, upright /erect/, close to smth., next to me, etc.) стоять молча и т.д.; stand straight, don't stoop стойте прямо, не горбитесь; the door stands open дверь открыта; the table (the wall, etc.) stands firm стол и т.д. устойчив /крепко стоит/ и т.д.2) stand firm стойко держаться; stand firm on the ground крепко стоять на ногах; stand firm in one's views иметь твердые убеждения; stand fast to one's resolution не отступать от своего решения; stand neutral сохранять нейтралитет, оставаться нейтральным; stand idle ничего не делать; the factory is standing idle фабрика не работает /простаивает/; stand ready быть наготове; he stood ready to run он был готов пуститься бежать; stand ready for anything быть готовым ко всему: stand high высоко цениться; stand high in one's class (in a competitive examination, in one's profession, etc.) быть одним из первых /лучших, ведущих/ в классе и т.д.; stand high in public esteem пользоваться всеобщим уважением; stand high in the opinion of /with/ his chief быть на хорошем счету у начальства; food (meat, corn, etc.) stands high (higher than ever) цены на продукты и т.д. высокие (выше, чем когда-либо); stand first on the list (second in his class, third in the line for promotion, etc.) быть первым в списке и т.д.; stand second to none никому не уступать, быть первым11. XVI1) stand by (against, in, etc.) smth. stand by the window (against a wall, before me, in the corner, in the doorway, in the middle of the table, etc.) стоять у окна и т.д.; the house (the building, the cottage, the chapel, etc.) stands in a garden (by the river, at the foot of a hill, etc.) дом и т.д. расположен /находится/ в саду и т.д.; don't stand in the rain (in the sun) не стойте под дождем /на дожде/ (на солнце); I hate standing in queues я ненавижу стоять в очередях; tears stood in her eyes у нее в глазах стояли слезы; stand in smb.'s way стоять у кого-л. на дороге, мешать кому-л.; stand out of the way не мешать, посторониться, уйти с дороги; the truck stood in their way грузовик загораживал им дорогу; nothing now stands in our way ничто больше нам не мешает; nothing stands between you and success ничто не мешает твоему успеху; stand without support стоять без опоры; stand on smth., smb. the vase stands on the top shelf ваза стоит на верхней полке; he stood on my foot (on the beetle, etc.) он наступил мне на ногу и т.д.; stand on tiptoe стоять на цыпочках; Paris stands on the Seine Париж стоит на Сене; sweat stood on his forehead у него на лбу были /проступили/ капли пота; his hair stood on end [with fright] [от страха] у него волосы встали дыбом; stand for some time the castle (the old house, etc.) has stood for centuries замок и т.д. простоял века; the walls are still standing after the fire стены уцелели после пожара; he has stood many years against storm and earthquake много лет он выдерживал бури и землетрясения; let the mixture stand for three hours оставьте смесь постоять /пусть смесь постоит/ три часа2) stand at (below, among) smth. stand at the head of his class быть лучшим в классе; stand below smb. in class уступать кому-л. в своем классе; it stands among the first four universities of the world это один из четырех лучших университетов мира; stand alone among one's colleagues (among one's contemporaries, etc.) выделяться среди своих коллег и т.д.; stand over smb. he stood over me all the time I was working он все время стоял у меня над душой, пока я работал; he won't work unless someone stands over him он не будет работать, если над ним никто не стоит; stand by smb. stand by one's friends (by you whatever happens, by him to the last, etc.) быть на стороне /не бросать, поддерживать/ своих друзей и т.д.; I'll always stand by you in case of trouble я всегда готов помочь вам, если вы попадете в беду; stand by smth. stand by an agreement (by one's promise, by one's principles, by one's word,-etc.) придерживаться /не отступать от/ договора и т.д.; I stand by all I said then я верен тому, что тогда сказал; stand (up)on /by/ smth. stand on one's rights (on one's claims, by one's decision, etc.) настаивать на сваях правах и т.д.; western civilization stands upon the foundation reared by the Greeks and the Romans западная культура зиждется на фундаменте, созданном древними греками и римлянами; the case,-s on his testimony все дело основывается /зиждется/ на его показаниях /зависит от его показаний/; we stand on the threshold of a peace settlement мы находимся накануне /на пороге/ мирного урегулирования; stand for smth. stand for loyalty (for liberty, for freedom and justice, for racial tolerance, for reform, for the same principles, etc.) выступать за верность /в защиту верности/ и т.д.; it's difficult to know just what he stands for трудно, собственно, понять, каких он придерживается убеждений /каковы его убеждения/; stand on one's own feet /on one's own legs/ стоять на [собственных] ногах; ни от кого не зависеть; stand with smb. stand well with one's employers быть на хорошем счету у руководства; how does it stand with him? как он к этому относится?; stand in smth. where /how/ do we stand in the matter? какова наша позиция в этом вопросе? || stand in the same relation to her (to his father, to both parties, etc.) находиться /быть/ в одинаковых /равных, таких же/ отношениях с ней и т.д.3) stand for smth. stand for "adjective" (for "postscript", for "cash on delivery", etc.) обозначать прилагательное и т.д.; i stands for "pound" знак i обозначает фунт стерлингов; what do these letters stand for? что означают /как расшифровываются/ эти буквы?; the olive branch stands for peace ветвь оливкового дерева символизирует мир; black stands for mourning черный цвет stand знак траура; in their code each number stands for a letter в их шифре каждой букве соответствует цифра4) stand at smth. the score stands at 3:4 счет 3:4; the thermometer stands at 40 " in the shade термометр показывает сорок градусов в тени; the balance stands at i 50 итог равен пятидесяти фунтам5) stand for smth. usually in the negative or interrogative I won't stand for that (for any nonsense, for this treatment, etc.) я этого и т.д. не потерплю; 1 don't have to stand for such insolence я не обязан терпеть /переносить/ такое нахальство; how can you stand for his insolence? как вы можете терпеть его наглость?6) stand for smth. stand for Parliament (for the presidency, for election, for re-election to Congress, etc.) баллотироваться /выдвигать кандидатуру/ в парламент и т.д.7) semiaux || stand in need of smth. нуждаться в чем-л.; stand in need of help (of food and clothing, of money, of sleep, 'of instruction, of continual watering, of relief from one's sorrows, etc.) нуждаться в немощи и т.д.; the house stands in need of repair дом необходимо отремонтировать; stand in fear /in dread/ of smth., smb. бояться /страшиться/ чего-л., кого-л.; stand in awe of smth., smb. благоговеть перед чем-л., кем-л.; he stood in danger of being killed ему грозила опасность быть убитым; stand in contrast to smb., smth. резко отличаться от кого-л., чего-л.; stand on ceremony with smb. соблюдать условности в отношениях с кем-л.; he stands on terms of friendship with him он с ним [находится] в дружеских отношениях12. XX1stand as smb. stand as a sentinel стоять на посту, быть часовым; stand as candidate for the presidency (as Labour Candidate, as sponsor for him, etc.) выступать в качестве кандидата на пост президента и т.д.; stand as smth. stand as a description (as a type of British humour, etc.) представлять собой описание и т.д.13. XXI11) stand smth., smb. in (by, on, etc.) smth. stand a chair in a corner (the armchair by the lamp, the box against the wall, the bottle on the table, the empty barrels on the floor, him-against the wall, etc.) поставить стул в угол и т.д.; stand some distance from smth. stand 15 yards from the road (10 feet from the ground, etc.) стоять в пятнадцати ярдах от дороги и т.д.2) abs stand six feet in his socks (in his shoes) он шести футов ростом; stand a giant among them он среди них великан3) stand smth. to smb. stand wine (a bottle, a treat, etc.) to the company угощать компанию вином и т.д., выставить вино и т.д. для всей компании4) stand smb. to /for/ smb. stand godfather (godmother) to the child быть крестным отцом (крестной матерью) ребенку; stand sponsor for him быть его покровителем14. XXVstand when... (till..., etc.) he stood when she entered the room он встал, когда она вошла в комнату; I stood there till I was tired я стоял там до тех пор, пока не устал -
18 bed
авто.кузов (грузовика); станина; подушка (матрицы); рама; основание; постель; упругое основание (в механике); полотно (дороги); машинная плита; фундамент; загрузка (фильтра); стеллаж; стенд; установка; шабот (молота); слой; ряд (кирпичей); русло реки; II прилегать к...; лежать на...; укладывать; устанавливать; ставить на основание (на фундамент, на станину); заделывать в...; приработаться- bed box- bed carriage - bed course - bed die - bed down - bed-former - bed frame - bed-in - bed-maker - bed miller - bed of fuel - bed of rough material - bed of truck - bed out - bed plate - bed slideways - bed-stone - bed table - bed ways - active bed - active mixed bed- axie bed- ballast bed - bearing bed - bottom bed - boulder bed - box bed - box-type bed - cargo bed - cement-sand bed - clamp bed - column bed - concrete bed - conditioning bed - cooling bed - crib bed - cylinder bed - drop-hammer bed - electrowelded bed - embankment bed - endurance test bed - engine bed - engine test bed - engineering test bed - equalizing bed - feed-off arm bed - filter bed - fire bed - fixed bed - flat bed - foundation bed - fuel bed - gap bed - gravel bed - ground bed - H-bed - hot bed - inclined bed - inert mixed bed - key bed - lathe bed - low bed - mixed bed - mobile test bed - multistage bed - off-the-arm bed - overfeed bed - packed bed - percolating bed - pipeline bed - railroad bed - register bed - revolving bed - road bed - roller bed - rotary bed - run-out-and-conveyor bed - sand filter bed - slide bed - static bed - surface bed - swivel saw bed - T-bed - tank bed - test bed - track bed - track link welder bed - tricle bed - trunnion bed - underlying pipeline bed - validation test bed - vibration bed - water bearing bed - weld bed -
19 beam
- beam
- n1) балка; прогон; ригель
2) луч
3) брус; поперечина, траверса
4) коромысло (весов)
5) стрела или рукоять стрелы (крана)
- beam and column
- beam carrying transverse loads
- beam fixed at both ends
- beam loaded unsymmetrically
- beam made of precast hollow blocks
- beam on elastic foundation
- beams placed monolithically with slabs
- beam precast on site
- beam subjected to transverse and axial loads
- beam supported on a girder
- beam with overhangs
- beam with rectangular section
- beam with symmetrical section
- beam with unsymmetrical section
- beam of constant depth
- beam of one span
- beam of uniform strength
- anchor beam
- angle beam
- annular beam
- arch beam
- baffle beam
- balance beam
- bamboo-reinforced concrete beam
- basement beam
- bedplate beam
- bending test beam
- Benkelman beam
- bind beam
- bisymmetrical beam
- block beam
- bond beam
- boundary beam
- box beam
- braced beam
- bracing beam
- brake beam
- breast beam
- brick beam
- bridge beam
- bridging beam
- broad-flange beam
- buffer beam
- built-in beam
- built-up beam
- camber beam
- candle beam
- cantilever beam
- capping beam
- cased beam
- castellated beam
- castella Z beam
- ceiling beam
- channel beam
- chief beam
- circular beam
- collar beam
- composite beam
- compound beam
- conjugate beam
- constant-section beam
- continuous beam
- crane lifting beam
- crane runway beam
- cross beam
- curved beam
- deck beam
- deep beam
- double-T beam
- doubly symmetrical beam
- dragging beam
- drop-in beam
- eaves beam
- edge beam
- elastically restrained beam
- encastre beam
- externally reinforced concrete beam
- false beam
- fish beam
- fixed beam
- flitch beam
- floor beam
- footing beam
- foundation beam
- framework beam
- free beam
- gantry beam
- Gerber beam
- glue laminated beam
- grade beam
- grillage beams
- ground beam
- H beam
- hammer beam
- haunched beam
- high strength concrete beam
- hinged beam
- hollow beam
- hollow prestressed concrete beam
- horizontally curved beam
- hung-span beam
- hybrid beam
- I beam
- inverted T beam
- jack beam
- jesting beam
- joggle beam
- jointed beam
- keyed beam
- L beam
- laminated beam
- laterally-unsupported beam
- lattice beam
- leveling beam
- lifting beam
- link beam
- longitudinal beam
- main beam
- modified I beam
- multispan beam
- nailed beam
- needle beam
- outrigger beam
- overhead runway beam
- parallel flanges beam
- partition beam
- precast beam
- precast toe beam
- prestressed concrete beam
- prestressed precast concrete beam
- prismatic beam
- propped cantilever beam
- rectangular beam
- reinforced concrete beam
- reinforced floor beam
- restrained beam
- ridge beam
- ring beam
- rolled beam with cover plates
- rolled I beam
- rolled steel beam
- roof beam
- runway beam
- sandwich beam
- secondary beam
- simple beam
- simple-span beam
- simply supported beam
- single web beam
- slender beam
- soldier beam
- spandrel beam
- spreader beam
- statically determinate beam
- statically indeterminate beam
- steel beam
- steel binding beam
- stiff beam
- stiffening beam
- straight beam
- strengthened beam
- strut-framed beam
- supporting beam
- suspended-span beam
- T beam
- tail beam
- tee beam
- tertiary beam
- test beam
- through beam
- tie beam
- top beam
- top-running crane beam
- transverse beam
- trolley I beam
- trussed beam
- uniformly loaded beam
- unjointed beam
- upstand beam
- valley beam
- vibrating beam
- vibrating leveling beam
- vibratory beam
- wall beam
- welded I beam
- wide-flanged beam
- wind beam
- wood I beam
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
20 bolt
1. болт; стержень; палец; ось; шкворень; шпилька || скреплять [прикреплять] болтами; крепить шпильками2. засов; задвижка; запор || запирать на засов3. грохот; решето, сито || рассеивать на ситах; просеивать сквозь сито— cap bolt— eye bolt— jag bolt— nut bolt— rag bolt— set bolt— U-bolt
* * *
* * *
- adjusting bolt
- anchor bolt
- assembling bolt
- bonnet bolt
- cable bolt
- Christmas-tree anchor bolt
- chuck bolt
- clamping bolt
- coupling bolt
- fitter bolt
- fixing bolt
- foundation bolt
- jag bolt
- king bolt
- locking bolt
- nut bolt
- packer anchor bolt
- packing bolt
- patch bolt
- pivot bolt
- pivoted bolt
- pumping well anchor bolt
- rag bolt
- rock bolt with timber
- set bolt
- shear bolt
- strain bolt
- stud-horse bolt
- stuffing box bolt
- swing bolt
- T-bolt
- tack bolt
- template bolt
- tension bolt
- through bolt
- thumb bolt
- tie bolt
- tie-down bolt
- tripod bolt
- U-bolt* * *• болт• крепить (прикреплять, скреплять) болтами• ось• палец• соединять... болтами
См. также в других словарях:
Box Hill Inter — Box Hill Soccer Club is an Australian football (soccer) club based in the Melbourne, Victoria suburb of Box Hill. History The club was originally formed in 1922 as Box Hill soccer club. This name remained until the conclusion of the 1991 season… … Wikipedia
Box Hill Hawks Football Club — Infobox aus sport club | clubname = Box Hill Hawks fullname = Box Hill Hawks Football Club emblem = Hawks strip = brown and gold guernsey with large white horse emblem, brown shorts (home), brown and gold hooped socks founded = 1936 sport =… … Wikipedia
Foundation (box set) — Infobox Album | Name = Foundation Type = Box Set Artist = Magnum Released = May 1990 Recorded = 1978 1985 Genre = Rock Melodic Rock Progressive rock Length = Disc 1: 39:36 Disc 2: 40:33 Disc 3: 35:19 Disc 4: 39:38 Disc 5: 45:49 Disc 6: 70:10… … Wikipedia
Box.net — Infobox Company company name = Box.net company type = Private company slogan = Store here, access anywhere. foundation = 2005 location = Palo Alto, CA num employees = 32 industry = Technology homepage = [http://www.box.net www.Box.net] Box.net is … Wikipedia
Foundation for Excellence in Education — Infobox Institute name= Foundation for Excellence in Education caption= Logo of the Foundation for Excellence in Education established=2007 chairman= Governor John Ellis Jeb Bush head label=Executive Director head= Patricia Levesque faculty=… … Wikipedia
Box TV — Infobox company company name = Box TV company company type = Indpendent Parent group DCD Media plc foundation = 2000 location = flagicon|UK London, England industry = Television production homepage = [http://www.box tv.co.uk] Box TV Limited is a… … Wikipedia
box spring — noun a coiled bedspring in a frame that is covered with cloth • Hypernyms: ↑bedspring * * * noun : a bedspring that consists of spiral springs attached to a foundation and enclosed in a cloth covered frame * * * an upholstered bedspring composed… … Useful english dictionary
box spring — noun Date: 1865 a bedspring that consists of spiral springs attached to a foundation and enclosed in a cloth covered frame … New Collegiate Dictionary
box settle — noun : a settle with an enclosed foundation the cover of which forms the seat … Useful english dictionary
NGO In A Box South Asia — What is NGO in a box? NGO in a box is a collection of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools selected fo … Wikipedia
Community Tool Box — The Community Tool Box is a public service of the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, United States. It is maintained by the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas.[1] The Community Tool Box is a free,… … Wikipedia